Structure : Cityscape - Somenath Maity (Solo exhibition)

Mahua Art Gallery presents "Structure - Cityscape" - a collection of oil paintings in which artist Somenath Maity layers his canvasses with vibrant landscapes in a mass of ascending vertical accumulations. As one explores the canvasses, one discovers familiar sights and images: street nooks, lighted windows, railings, heights, a blue starry night merging with the contradictory emotions of hope and vulnerability that are always present in a city.
Somenath Maity born in 1960 at Midnapore in West Bengal, Somenath Maity studied Fine Arts at the College of Visual Arts in Kolkatta. After obtaining his degree here, Maity receive a diploma in Fine Arts from the Indian College of Arts and Draftsmanship, also in Kolkatta.
Somenath Maity’s favorite occupation is to find the inner beauty that exists in every big city and that most people don’t see. Maity express this inner beauty in his abstract oils on canvas. He builds up his paintings, all aptly titled "structure". His colors and textures are very strong. Viewers find a vibration of an abstraction, and the colors like red, blue, brown and other. Maity is one of Bengal's important new emerging painters. He has already exhibited his works at many major Indian and European galleries.
Exhibition start from 7th July 2006 at Mahua - The Art Gallery, Leela Galleria (Bangalore).
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